Membership - Thanks for considering being part of the club!
We welcome women from all over the Montreal area, not just Beaconsfield! In addition to new arrivals, we also welcome women who have started a new phase in life such as retirees, new moms who have chosen to stay home for the first time, etc. When you become a BNC member you will have the opportunity to meet new people and make friends. The BNC is very active and there are many activities going on each week. Some people choose to participate in most of them and others just a few. It is totally up to you how much time you want to spend on these activities.
As a member you will receive a monthly newsletter. The newsletter highlights activities of interest to the group as well as what is happening in each special club. We also have a private Facebook group page available to members. Our members are a wealth of knowledge and recommendations for favorite salons, restaurant suggestions and local service providers for everything from snow removal to electricians. We want to help you make yourself at home in our community!
Besides all the special groups, we also meet once a month! These general meetings are packed with fun activities, speakers, snacks and time for socializing among members.
The annual membership fee is $50.
For this fee you will benefit from:
- 10 monthly meetings for September thru June
- Unlimited participation in activities and outings organized by any of our special interest sub-groups
- Invitations to all of our special events such as the annual Christmas party and end-of-year celebration
- Receipt of our monthly newsletter and acceptance to our members' only private Facebook page
- The opportunity to meet and make friends for life!
If you wish, you may attend ONE monthly meeting and ONE club activity before formally joining the BNC.
If you are interested in attending a meeting or event or joining the club, please contact our Membership Chairwoman at: [email protected] .
“Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back: a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.” Anais Nin